1. Best Pc Character Creation Games Unblocked
  2. Free Online Character Customization Games
Character creation is the breakfast of roleplaying games. A good one gets you pumped to play, ready to tackle any challenge the GM puts before you. While there’s no magic formula to good character creation, some games clearly stand above the
  1. Gacha Club Studio. Create your own characters and scenes in Gacha Club Studio!
  2. Probably the best character creator in any game to date, now that I think about it. Another good choice, but I feel like my PC wouldn't be able to run it very well if I tried it, heard it was coming to Xbox One sometime this year so I'm waiting for that.

Whiles other games have simple character creation, NWoD com bines simplicity with depth. Characters in NWoD are detailed despite how easy they are to create. The rules are also intuitive.

rest. Each has a something that other designers should learn from.

1. New World of Darkness

The watchword for New World of Darkness (NWoD) is simplicity. Characters in this system are incredibly easy to create because nearly everything you need is printed right on the single-sided character sheet. Skills, attributes, derived stats like speed and hitpoints, they’re all there. The only time a player needs to open the book is to pick their limited number of merits.*You can whip up a NWoD character in about 15 minutes.

Time saved isn’t its only advantage. With every skill represented on the character sheet, players know what they have access to from the start. You’ll never get four sessions into a campaign and find out you’re missing a skill vital to your character concept.

NWoD also has a great balance between structure and freedom. The players prioritize their physical, mental, and social abilities, and then receive a number of points to spend in each category. This allows characters to specialize without becoming so focused they can only do one thing. Your mob assassin might be a gun fighter, but she’ll also have a modicum of social skills, just like a real person.

Whiles other games have simple character creation, NWoD combines simplicity with depth. Characters in NWoD are detailed despite how easy they are to create. The rules are also intuitive. Even someone without a good understanding of the system can figure out that a brainy hacker should prioritize mental abilities so they have more points to spend on Computers and Intelligence.

The biggest weakness with NWoD is that character creation points are spent differently than experience points earned in play. When making a character, it costs one point to raise an ability, no matter how high you’re raising it.* With experience, it costs more points to buy higher ranks in a skill or attribute. This means that if you want your character to be good at fist fighting and shooting, it makes more sense to start with max ranks in Firearms and buy Brawling later than to start with lower levels of both.

2. Burning Wheel

The opposite of NWoD, Burning Wheel requires a lot of looking at the book, but I promise it’s worth it. This game has depth, depth, and more depth. Instead of arbitrarily assigning points wherever they feel like, players construct a detailed backstory for their character in the form of life paths. Life paths represent a length of time the character spent in a certain profession or lifestyle and can range from glamorous court appointments to the sentence of a galley slave.

Each life path grants different numbers of points to spend, plus access to certain skills. Being an Archer grants Bow, Fletcher, and Brawling.* Being a Conscript grants Foraging and Baggage Train-wise. Most of these are not skills a character must take, but they have the option.

Characters always have more than one life path, unless you’re playing a young child, which is a good way to get eaten. You might have been born a Peasant, then spent several years working as a Farmer, then become a Conscript in the king’s army, before finally mustering out as a Veteran. Essentially, you construct your character’s backstory as you go. In addition to the mechanical implications, this ensures that no PC springs forth fully formed from the womb. You get a sense of what your character’s life was like before becoming an adventurer, where they come from and what impact it made on them.

PCs generated this way are more believable than characters from most roleplaying games. Your character isn’t a world class orator because you wanted them to be but because they spent eight years giving speeches as the king’s chancellor. Their mastery of swordplay comes from a brutal life spent on the battlefield. Plus, searching through the book for just the right life path is great fun. Who among us can say they haven’t wanted to play an apiarist from time to time?

The failing of Burning Wheel is its rigidity. The life paths are specifically tailored for a Tolkien-style fantasy setting, and any modification requires building a huge number of new ones from scratch. Also, the game is intentionally unbalanced: being a Knight gives you way more points than being a Galley Slave. This is a problem if your group is used to everyone having the same level of ability.

3. Spirit of the Century

Best Pc Character Creation Games Unblocked

Set in a world of 1930s pulp action,*Spirit of the Century features a character creation system that’s really a creative writing exercise in disguise. Players literally write out small blurbs for each stage of their character’s life, from their early life to the Great War to their first adventure novel.

For each stage in the process, a character receives aspects that help or hinder them in play. This example shows what a character’s Early Life blurb might look like:

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Red Alice was born to a tiny anarchist collective on Kotlin island. From a young age she was tutored in the construction and operation of early aeroplanes, as the collective’s founders considered them essential tools of a free working class.

From that, a character could gain aspects like Free in the Sky and Loyal Comrade. Then you could go on to describe how Red Alice joined up with the early Soviet Revolution, becoming one of their only pilots. From that, she could gain In My Sights or Lost Too Many Friends.

The best part is writing the back jacket blurb for your character’s first novel. You give the book an awesome sounding title like Doctor Hurricane and the World’s Most Powerful Laser, then summarize the events of the book to gain even more aspects.

In addition to being fun for writers, these exercises get you into the mood for Spirit of the Century’s over-the-top narrative style. You won’t bat an eye when a super genius gorilla steals your airship, because that’s just the sort of thing that happens to people like you. The novel stage also grants a connection to other PCs through guest starring. Each character’s book includes two other characters in supporting roles, so Doctor Hurricane might get some help from Red Alice on his quest to retrieve the world’s most powerful laser.

The only weakness in Spirit of the Century’s character creation is the rest of the game. With a lethargic combat system and unintuitive damage mechanics, it’s not very good. It can still work, but it doesn’t hold up to the expectations of such a fantastic character generation system.

Best Pc Character Creation Games

Good character creation rules set the stage for everything else in a game. They’re especially important for one-shots, where rolling up characters is half the time commitment, but even longer campaigns need a strong start. Designers and GMs should pay attention to them when choosing what system to run.

Treat your friends to an evening of dark ritual murder. In a fictional game scenario, of course.Uncover your lost memories and save the day in our stand-alone game, The Voyage.

One of my favorite pastimes in any MMO, or even a single player RPG, is the character creation. I could sit there for hours tweaking face sliders, hair options, and skin colors -- practically never getting around to the actual game. I think part of the addiction to this feature, for me anyway, is to see how many different ways you can make a completely badass character or a completely silly one. Or even recreating celebrities and characters from other game.

Pokemon dark rising order destroyed. In most MMOs, when you go to create a character, you’ll have a decent array of choices to customize your avatar -- like different faces and hairstyles, skin and hair color choices, and sometimes even little extras like earrings, tattoos, or pets. But then there’s some MMOs whose character creators dwarf all others, as they give you sliders galore and allow you to tweak almost every detail on your character.

The next five games in this slideshow have some of the most in-depth, granular character creation you'll find in any MMO on the market right now.

EVE Online

I know what you’re thinking. ‘Wait..EVE Online? Aren’t you flying a ship and look at charts for most of the game?’ Yes, yes you are. But in spite of that, this game has a character creator -- and a pretty impressive one at that.

One of the first things you’ll notice in the video is the quality of the graphics and character model, which are quite good. Next, you’ll want to note how you can pick every little detail from facial features and hair to body type and clothes. Not only that, but you can even pose the character how you’d like for their character portrait, including facial expressions.

There’s one small detail that I love about this character creator. It almost feels silly to say, but look at how each section of the body is highlighted by the outline of the muscles as your mouse passes over them. Lovely.

APB Reloaded

Free Online Character Customization Games

If you thought EVE had a lot of sliders and details to choose from, then allow me to blow your mind with APB Reloaded. While this open world, third-person shooter MMO has changed hands in both developers and publishers, it still has an insanely in-depth character and clothing customization system.

Not only does APB Reloaded allow you to customize your character's physical look (including tattoos), but you can also customize what they’re wearing. And I don’t mean picking from some preset items, although those are available. The game allows you to pick from a gallery or create graphics of your own to make your clothes uniquely yours.

You can also use it to recreate the clothes of characters from other games. There’s an example of this in the video above, as a player remakes D.va from Overwatch with the use of APB's character and clothing customizer.

Black Desert Online

Black Desert Online is by far the prettiest and most in-depth on the list in terms a graphics and customizations (my graphics card weeps just thinking about it).

In this Korean sandbox MMO, you have the ability to tweak everything -- and I mean everything -- on your character. Much like EVE Online, you can hover your mouse over sections of your character's face and adjust them accordingly. This also includes where the hair falls against your character’s armor and face. You can even take a hairstyle and give it a cut to make parts shorter or use extensions to make it longer.

Of course, having such control over features can lead to some fun and terrifying results. Get the video above to 2:47 and you’ll see celebrity recreations along with some more..abstract results.

Blade & Soul

This fantasy, martial-arts MMO boasts a highly customizable character creator -- and it has a right to do so. Blade & Soul has a wide variety of faces, hairstyles, and colors -- plus it allows you to further tweak those features with the use of sliders.

And don’t worry if you’re afraid you don’t have the talent to make an amazing looking character, because the game allows you to use presets if you want. What are presets? They are characters that another player made that you can load into the game and use in the character creator!


Despite being over 10 years old, Aion’s character creator still is gorgeous as ever and holds up well against some of the newer MMOs of today. X plore apk pro. When you dive into the game and create your first character, you’ll find many options to choose from. You could go with one of the numerous presets Aion provides, or you can use the facial and body sliders to create something uniquely your own.

That wraps up our list of the best character customization systems in current MMOs! What are some of your favorites? Let me know in the comments -- and share some photos of the characters you've made using these in-game creators!

Published Jun. 19th 2017