Town Hall Level 8 The Town Hall is the heart of your village and the most important Building in the Clash of Clans game. At eighth level the battlement grows to the size of the whole roof, a red flag gets added onto the front door and the golden pillars and front wall turn to stone. Having the Town Hall of 6th level you’ll be able to build just 4 additional constructions and one new building – Air Sweeper, so try to farm (steal the resources of the other players) as much as possible on this level in order to pass more quickly to the 7th level of the Town Hall, that is much more interesting.
Having the Town Hall of 6th level you’ll be able to build just 4 additional constructions and one new building – Air Sweeper, so try to farm (steal the resources of the other players) as much as possible on this level in order to pass more quickly to the 7th level of the Town Hall, that is much more interesting. But at this moment pay attention to the base plans for farming (and don’t forget to train and upgrade your warriors, all the constructions and the Wall till the highest possible level).
Please choose your best TH6 Farm, Defense or War Base! You also can easily find here Anti Everything, Anti 2 Stars, Anti 3 Stars, Hybrid, Anti Giant, Anti Loot or Anti Dragon Bases, we have huge layouts collection!
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In many Base Layouts, links are not yet available, but we are working on it. You can also help us by adding links in the comments!
After upgrading your Town Hall from Lvl 7 to Lvl 8, enemy attackers will be much stronger because they will now have Town Halls between Lvl 7 – Lvl 9. So you need to have a very good defense strategy in order for them to not destroy most of your buildings and take away lots of your resources and trophies. It is just right for you to protect them.
The first thing you need to do is to buy all the available defensive buildings that got unlocked when you upgraded your Town Hall to Lvl 8 and upgrade them to the maximum level permitted. It might be very expensive but it is worth it.
The first things you should upgrade are the Defensive Buildings closest to your Town Hall so that your enemies will have a harder time to completely destroy your base. Upgrade them one level at a time then upgrade the other Defensive Buildings surrounding your base. Do this until all of them are at their maximum levels including the Bombs and the Air Defense.
After that, upgrade the walls closest to your Town Hall and Storages. Then upgrade all the remaining walls until they are all maxed out.
Since it will be very expensive to upgrade all your defensive buildings, it is also a good idea to upgrade all your resource buildings, so that you can earn more resources to upgrade other buildings.
It will be better if you upgrade all the Gold Mines first because you will need lots of gold to upgrade your Defensive Buildings. Upgrade them all until they are in their maximum levels. You should also make sure that your storages have enough capacity to hold resources to upgrade your buildings. After that, upgrade your Elixir Collectors to max, you can use them to upgrade walls by now.
The base layout is very important in protecting your buildings. Here are some of the most effective layouts for your Lvl 8 Town Hall base: