Masjid Biru, Turki. Masjid Sultan Ahmed adalah sebuah masjid di Istanbul, Turki. Rumah ibadah ini juga dikenal dengan nama Masjid Biru karena pada zaman dahulu, warna biru mendominasi interiornya. Masjid yang dibangun antara 1609 dan 1616 ini memiliki lima kubah utama, enam menara, dan delapan kubah sekunder. Selanjutnya, bersama surat ini kami sampaikan 1(satu) budel proposal pengajuan penerbitan ID mesjid di aplikasi simas pada masjid AL-AMIN yang berdomisili di KP. CILEUEUR RT 01 RW 08 DESA CIKANDE Kecamatan Saguling Kabupaten Bandung Barat dengan harapan melalui bantuan bapa dapat membantu dalam menyukseskan tertibnya administrasi pada masjid AL. Sima's Bundles & Bouquets, Slough. 1,357 likes 9 talking about this 3 were here. Sima's Bundles & Bouquets is a small business based in Slough making handmade gifts for everyone to enjoy.

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  2. Simas Di Masjid
  3. Simas Masjid Indonesia

Why choose Reksadana Simas Syariah Berkembang

Simas masjid

SIMAS SYARIAH BERKEMBANG is Mixed Mutual Fund allocating the wealth into various Securities which consist of 2% - 79% on Equity Securities, 2% - 79% on Financial Market Instrument and 2% - 79% on Fixed Income Securities, in the form of Islamic Government Securities and/or Sukuk issued by corporations, Islamic Asset-Backed Securities or domestic financial market instrument which have a maturity of less than 1 (one) year in accordance to Islamic principles and/or Islamic time deposit.

It has been awarded on 2017 as Best Islamic Fixed Allocation Fund from APRDI-Bloomberg Indonesia Fund Awards


It has a high risk level.

This Mutual Fund product is a Capital Market product (not a Bank product), managed by PT. Sinarmas Asset Management that has more than 25 years of experience in managing public funds and received many awards for the performance of several products under its management.

What benefits you can get


The sale results of the Mutual Fund Participation Unit has been cleared of Income Tax evasion and thus it is no longer a tax object.

Managed by Professionals

It is managed by PT Sinarmas Asset Management, an experienced Investment Manager in the Capital Market and Money Market.

Right Step

This is the right investment step to achieve optimal results that meet your needs through a variety of Mutual Fund products.


It can be withdrawn anytime you need it.

Free Subscription Fee

It is free of purchase fee.

Diversified Investments

This is a way for you to spread investment across various investment portfolios to minimize risks.

How to get started

  • 1Have an Account at Bank Sinarmas (Single Account).
  • 2If you purchase an Investment Fund Participation Unit for the first time, please fill in the following forms:
    • SAM Account Opening Form
    • Investor Profile Form
    • Mutual Fund Participation Unit Purchase Form
  • 3If you are making additional purchase transaction, please simply fill in the Mutual Fund Participation Unit Purchase Form.
  • 4The deadline for transactions (both purchases and sales) is 12.00 of Western Indonesian Time.
  • 5Documents that should be attached are:
    A copy of Indonesian identity card (KTP) for Indonesian citizensA copy of the valid business license (SIUP) and certificate of company registration (TDP)
    A copy of passport for foreignersA copy of a board member’s power of attorney for transactions
    A copy of KTP of an endorsee
    A copy of KTP of a board member
    A copy of Deed of Establishment along with Decree of Validation from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights
    A copy of the latest company’s articles of association
    A copy of the amendment to the company's articles of association showing the composition of share ownership
    A copy of the deed of meeting decision on the latest composition of the board members
    Financial statements (audited) of the last period
    A copy of the certificate of domicile
  • 6Account for Simas Syariah Berkembang Mutual Fund Purchase:
    • Bank Sinarmas, Thamrin Branch-Jakarta
    • A/N : Subscription Simas Syariah Berkembang
    • A/C : 0036451246
  • Get Simas Syariah Berkembang mutual funds now and enjoy its attractive promos

Tariff and charges

Minimum (Initial) Investment/Minimum PurchaseRp100,000
Next Investment/Next Minimum PurchaseRp100,000
Minimum ResaleRp100,000
Minimum Balance After SalesRp100,000
Unit purchase feeFree
Resale fee< 12 Months : 1.25%
≥ 12 Months - 24 Months : 0.50%
≥ 24 Months : 0.00%


Siapakah Manager Investasi dan Bank Kustodian yang mengelola Reksa Dana Simas Syariah Berkembang?

Simas Masjid

Manager Investasi : PT. Sinarmas Asset Management
Bank Kustodian : Bank Danamon

Apakah Reksa Dana Simas Syariah Berkembang termasuk dalam cakupan LPS?
  • Reksa Dana adalah produk pasar modal dan bukan merupakan produk Bank sehingga tidak dijamin oleh Bank serta tidak termasuk dalam cakupan obyek program penjaminan Pemerintah atau penjaminan simpanan.
  • Untuk ikut melindungi nasabah, maka Bank Sinarmas hanya menjual Reksa Dana yang dikelola oleh Manajer Investasi terpilih dan telah berpengalaman.
Apakah bukti kepemilikan / tanda terima dari Reksa Dana Simas Syariah Berkembang?Simas sistem informasi masjid
  • Konfirmasi transaksi pembelian/penjualan akan di email oleh Bank Kustodian (Bank Danamon) pada H+7 (hari kerja)
  • Laporan Akun Bulanan akan dikirimkan melalui email dan ke alamat korespondensi yang terdaftar dalam CIF sejak 12 hari kerja pada bulan berikutnya.

Simas Di Masjid

Dimana NAB dan kinerja Reksa Dana Simas Syariah Berkembang dapat diakses?

Simas Masjid Indonesia

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