Most people looking for Citect scada 7.4 downloaded: CitectSCADA. 4.3 on 16 votes. CitectSCADA is an industrial control system that enables you to monitor a process. 2.8 on 10 votes. Vijeo Citect, is the operating and monitoring component of PlantStruxure™, the new Process Automation system of Schneider.

  1. Vijeo Citect 7.4
  2. Vijeo Citect 7.2
  3. Vijeo Citect 7.4 Crack

Vijeo Citect 7.4

  • Citect SCADA, CitectHistorian and Ampla Support is a global support team that provides expert level technical support to customers. With three regional expert support centres across the globe – the Americas, Asia Pacific, and Europe – we are available to assist you with product application knowledge, troubleshooting and resolving system issues in a timely manner, and optimising the.
  • Vijeo Citect 7.4 Sign in to follow this. Vijeo Citect 7.4 Started by Mahmood, 30 Nov 2014. 1 post in this topic. Mahmood 0 Hi, I am New! MrPLC Member; 0.
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Vijeo Citect 7.2

i am using vijeo citect 7.4. i generate a report automatically using a trigger, but the report generated in the .rtf form which any body can change the values in the report. so i want to either make the report in the read only form or convert it automatically to pdf +.
i've another problem i am trying to write a string in the report using the form {tag_name:############} where the tag_name is a variable string memory where i store in it a word 'starter'. when the report is generated, only two letters 'st' is generated.
can any body give me a solution for these two problems?
thanks in advance.

Vijeo Citect 7.4 Crack


This article from InSource shows a list of Citect SCADA Generic Error Codes and what they mean.

  • Author: Benjamin Davis
  • Published: 06/15/2019
  • Applies to: Citect SCADA


Error numberError titleDescription


Address is out of range

A request was made to a device address that does not exist. For example, you tried to read register number 4000 when there are only 200 registers in the I/O device. Check the Variable Tags database to find the variable in error.


Command canceled

The server canceled the command while it was being processed by the driver. The driver may have taken too long to process the command. If a driver does not respond during the specified time limit, Vijeo Citect cancels the command. The time limit is the product of the timeout period and the number of times to retry a command after each timeout. You can increase these values in the Timeout and Retry parameters for the protocol. also check the WatchTime parameter for the frequency with which the driver checks the link to the I/O device. Check also for communication errors.


Unknown data type

A request was made that specified a data type not supported by the protocol. This error will not occur during normal operation. Restart the computer to reset every driver and hardware. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support for this product. If you have written your own protocol driver, this error is caused by a mismatch in the compiler specification and the driver's database.


Unknown data format

A write request contains invalid data, for example you tried to write to a floating-point address with an invalid floating-point number. Check the Vijeo Citect database.


Command is unknown

The server sent a command that the driver did not recognize. This error will not occur during normal operation. Try re-booting the computer to reset drivers and hardware. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support of this product.


Response bad or garbled

A problem exists with the communication channel, causing errors in the transmitted data. Inspect the setup for the communication channel hardware. For example, there may be a mismatch in parity, baud rate, stop bits, or data bits between the transmitter and receiver. Check that the setup of the I/O device and the field data in the Vijeo Citect Ports and Boards forms are the same.


I/O device not responding

An I/O device is not responding to read or write requests. The driver sent a command to the I/O device and the I/O device did not respond within the timeout period. This is usually the first indication of loss of communications. Check that the I/O device is correctly connected to the server and is switched on. This error can also occur if the timeout period is too short. Try increasing the timeout period in the Timeout parameter for the protocol. You could also increase the delay time between receiving a response and sending the next command, by increasing the Delay parameter.


General error

Vijeo Citect has established communications with the I/O device; however, the I/O device has detected an error in the protocol. This error could be caused by a fault in the communications link, or an error in the ladder logic (in the I/O device).


1. Check that the I/O device is operating correctly.

2. Check the communication cable is connected correctly (at both ends).

3. Use the Communications Express Wizard to check that the configuration of the I/O device (in particular, the Address and Special Options fields) matches the recommended settings and the settings on the I/O device.

4. If you are using serial communications, use the Communications Express Wizard to check that the configuration of the Port (in particular the Baud Rate, Data Bits, Stop Bits, and Parity) matches the recommended settings and the settings on the I/O device.

5. Display the hardware alarm page, and note the protocol error that is displayed.

6. Use the documentation that was supplied with your I/O device, network, and communication board to locate the error.

7. Check the ladder logic in the I/O device for errors.

8. Run the Computer Setup Wizard.

9. Re-compile the project and start the Vijeo Citect runtime.


Write location is protected

A write operation was attempted to a location that is protected against unauthorized modification. Change the access rights to this location to permit a write operation.


Hardware error

A problem exists with either the communication channel, server, or I/O device hardware. Examine hardware components. The command or data request has not been processed. The server's operation may no longer operate normally.


I/O device warning

The communication link between the server and the I/O device is functioning correctly, however the I/O device has some alert condition active, for example the I/O device is in program mode. Check that the I/O device is in the correct mode.


I/O device off-line, cannot talk

The I/O device is in off-line mode, preventing any external communication.


1. Check that the I/O device is operating correctly.

2. Check the communication cable for breakage.

3. Check the communication cable is connected correctly (at both ends).

4. If you are using serial communications, check that the communication cable matches the diagram in the help system.

5. Use the Communications Express Wizard to check that the configuration of the I/O device (in particular, the Address and Special Options fields) matches the recommended settings and the settings on the I/O device.

6. If you are using serial communications, use the Communications Express Wizard to check that the configuration of the port (in particular the baud rate, data bits, stop bits, and parity) matches the recommended settings and the settings on the I/O device.

7. Run the Computer Setup Wizard.

8. Check the Citect.ini file for the following:





<name> is the name of the server configured in the Vijeo Citect project. (Use Custom Setup to check the server name.)

9. Re-compile the project and start the Vijeo Citect runtime system.

Note : If you have standby I/O devices configured, this error will cause any standby I/O devices to become active. The command or data request current when the I/O device went off-line has not finished.


Driver software error

An internal software error has occurred in the driver. This error should not occur during normal operation. Try re-booting the computer to reset drivers and hardware. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support of this product.


User access violation

An attempt has been made by an unauthorized user to access information. Check the user's access rights.


Out of memory - FATAL

The server is out of memory and cannot continue execution. Minimize buffer and queue allocation or expand memory in the server computer. The command or data request has not been processed.


No buffers, cannot continue

There are no communication buffers available to be allocated, or the computer is out of memory. The performance of the server may be reduced, however it can continue to run. Increase the memory.


Low buffer warning

This error may occasionally occur in periods of high transient loading, with no ill effects. If this error occurs frequently, increase the number of communication buffers.


Too many commands to driver

Too many commands have been sent to the driver.


Driver is not responding

The server is not receiving any response from the driver. This error should not occur during normal operation. Try re-booting the computer to reset the drivers and hardware. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support of this product.


Too many channels opened

Each driver can only support several communication channels. You have exceeded the limit. This error may occur if you abnormally terminate from the server and then restart it. Try re-booting the computer to reset drivers and hardware. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support of this product. The command or data request has not finished.


Channel off-line, cannot talk

A communication channel is currently off-line, disabling communication. Either the server cannot initialize the communication channel or the channel went off-line while running. Check the channel hardware for errors. When this error occurs, I/O devices connected to this channel are considered off-line, and standby I/O devices become active. The command or data request has not finished.


Channel not yet opened

The server has attempted to communicate with a channel that is not open. Try re-booting the computer to reset drivers and hardware. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support for this product.. The command or data request has not finished.


Channel not yet initialized

The server is attempting to communicate with a channel that has not been initialized. This error should not occur during normal operation. Try re-booting the computer to reset drivers and hardware. If the problem persists, contact Technical support for this product. The command or data request has not finished.


Too many I/O devices per channel

A channel has too many I/O devices attached to it. This error should not occur during normal operation. The command or data request has not finished. Try re-booting the computer to reset drivers and hardware. If the problem persists, contact Contact Technical Support for this product..


Data not yet valid

The data requested is still being processed and will be returned in due course. This error only occurs with drivers that need to establish complex communication to retrieve data from the I/O device. Ignore this alert.


Could not cancel command

The server tried to cancel a command, but the driver could not find the command. This error should not occur during normal operation. Try re-booting the computer to reset drivers and hardware. If the problem persists, contact Contact Technical Support for this product..


Stand-by I/O device activated

Communication has been switched from the primary to the standby I/O device(s). The server returns this message when a 'hot' changeover has occurred. Rectify the error in the primary I/O device(s).


Message overrun

A response was longer than the response buffer. If this error occurs on serial communication drivers, garbled characters may be received. Check the communication link and the baud rate of the driver.


Bad user parameters

There is a configuration error, for example invalid special options have been set.


Stand-by I/O device error

There is an error in a standby I/O device. Rectify error in the standby I/O device.


Request Timeout from I/O Server

One or more requests sent to the I/O Server have not finished in the timeout period. Either the I/O Server is off line or the I/O Server is taking too long to finish the requests. Check the PLC communication link, PLC timeouts, PLC retries, and network communication. This error can occur even if you have no network, i.e. if the I/O Server is the same computer as the Control Client. If the error persists, increase the [LAN] TimeOut parameter. The default timeout is 8000 milliseconds.


Cannot talk to remote unit

The remote I/O device is not connected.


Invalid argument passed

An invalid argument has been passed to a Cicode function. This is a general error message and is generated when arguments passed to a function are out of range or are invalid. Check the value of arguments being passed to the function. If arguments are input directly from the operator, check that the correct arguments are being passed to the function.


No server could be found

The specified Vijeo Citect server cannot be found. Either the server is not running or there is some communication problem with the network. Check that the network is set up correctly, and you are using the same Server Name on both the client and server.


No server of type on cluster

There is no server of the necessary type configured on the server.


Record size mismatch

An RDB file contains records with the wrong size.


Server previous reload busy

Unable to start a reload using the ServerReload Cicode function as a reload is already in progress for the specified server.


Invalid RDB version

An RDB file was compiled using an incompatible version of the software.


Cicode library timestamp differs

The timestamp of the Cicode library in memory is different from the timestamp of the Cicode library on disk. The Cicode libraries are potentially different.


Remote Cicode call Interrupted

Cicode call that triggers an RPC remote call is interrupted before the expected result is returned.

520Alarm category out of rangeA category number is out of its valid range (from 0 to 16376 inclusively).


Data browse record is deleted

A record was deleted during a reload of ART server.


Trend archive property mismatch

A trend record's archive properties have changed during start-up or reload.

523Alarm priority out of rangeA category priority is out of its valid range (from 0 to 256 inclusively).